05 August 2009

ABK Quadrant Mod

ABK (Alikiwi & Black Knyght) Quadrant Mod is now uploaded to FileFactory. At 133MB it's the biggest Mod foor Space Empires IV ever produced as far as I know. In this case its a graphics mod only making use of all the new planets and 131 nebulaes, mostly new and by Black Knyght and includes other extras and a set of 10 jump gates, ala Babylon 5.
OK, that was a bit big, I should have reduced it perhaps. Anyway, the link to the 7zip file is here ->

03 August 2009

Time Just Flies

Well I've been busy! Lot's of work done of the Masters of the Megaverse, mostly text files, and the new game just started for the Skywalker Mod V 1.3. And for a change here's a few photos of the South Pacific which I might add to when I get time -> http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?gid=639928&owner=Alikiwi

Meanwhile the Masters Mod will feature space monsters (as does Skywalker). Black Knyght came up with this picture for random events that involve those nasty creatures! It actually shows up enlarged and in game much clearer, believe me you don't want to get close!

Meanwhile in a test game of my updated Skywalker Mod, the Armed Transport I created has proved rather effective in capturing enemy ships. Also looking forward the the Star Wars Mod when it comes out. Til next time...

04 July 2009


It's been a busy time, and a lot of work has been done on Masters of the Megaverse. Also I have updated my own Mod, Skywalker and am about to release the third verson, V1.3.
However, a certain site has still not released the planet pack update I sent 3 months ago! With a total of 5 new Mods in various stages all needing it, they should get it made available. I'll probably have to re-upload it and post my own link.

Meanwhile Black Knyght continues to be busy and I've done a couple of pixs myself. The first is a new armor component, basically to replace the old stock picture. The next is a psychic weapon done by BK, one of many. There is also a new Star Trek Mod being worked on as well as a previously mentioned Star Wars Mod by Atrocities. Sorry, but it's almost midnight, blowing a minor gale, and I might actually get to sleep shortly? There is still an enormous amount of work to do on this mod, especially updating the various race files, 50 plus races, 4 or 5 files per race - I don't want to count that, until I finish them :-)

29 May 2009

Star Wars Mod

Whilst the Mod we are working on has a trait that can be selected for the Star Wars type of weapons etc., there is an actual Star Wars Mod being developed which is solely for that area specifically. This is being worked on by a fellow called Atrocities. He has produced several hundred pictures for components, some of which I'll show here. The first one, is one of many Storm Trooper Types. The next is of a multi-barrelled gun turret. Then we have a version of an R2D2 unit. There are many more examples of these components, and I am looking forward to seeing the finished game.
Just using the features we have in our Mod (Masters of the Megaverse) is interesting in itself. I think we might hav room to adapt some of ours to use these pictures! Anyway, it is nearly 1.30am, and I really must shut my eyes!

26 May 2009

More facilities, more files!

71 facilities, thats 71 file entries I had to write giving each one slightly different abilities! Be warned it's midnight now so there may be a few typos! Then there was the 71 entries in the Racial Traits file, and a corresponding 71 entries in the tech file to make use of them. 213 entries later, its done and working, as I've tested them in the Test Mod!
In the mean time, BK has done some more components, and the green missile is my heavy adaption of the old CSM (capital ship missile). The picture to the right is for a B5 (Babylon 5) launch bay. Time to hit the sack, being exhausted, I should fall to sleep.... til next time!
If you want to see more facilities, which are being added to, look over there -> http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?gid=637725&owner=Alikiwi

21 May 2009

South Pacific

For those who like the south pacific, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia, there are some pictures I took during a cruise last year over there ->

I will add to them from time to time. I took a heck of a lot on the 12 day cruise! The sunset leaving Brisbane was pretty good!

Mod Progress

Well, I've been distracted but others have been working full steam ahead it seems. I'm trying to catch up on the items I have been working on, and the number of Capital Buildings I have produced has climbed to 57! I lot of new images have been produced by Black Knyght as well as Kwayne. I will show the Capital Building for the Crugarian Race and the Race image of the Shadows, from Babylon 5 by Kwayne.
There has also been a number of event pictures made by Black Knyght which will be used when messages are received after each turn, detailing things like intelligence operations, or random attacks by raiders. For example BK has produced a new picture when a player receives a message to the effect that a planet has had its conditions improved to the absolute maximum possible. Now, will it let me load a third picture this time... (yes, but lost it!) Nice work BK!

Now if you like Star Wars, for which we have this trait in the mod, here is another race picture by Kwayne of the Wookies. One last Government Building for the Ukra-Tal Race, before I get back to work.

07 May 2009

New Facilities

There's a lot of work going on for this Mod. Kwayne has produced more new race pictures and some shipsets to go with them. My shipset has been causing me some problems, which I hope I have sorted. I have produced a new weapons platform picture (2 actually) and 2 fighters as well.
However, my main focus is the AI files I've talked about before, and what is going to be a large set of facility pictures. A facility being a building one builds on a planet (no surprise a?), but they all have certain abilities. The set I am working on will be used as Embassies and so will have a race or trait logo on them.
For example, this would include one for the Federation (Star Trek), another Imperials (Star Wars), one for Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Klingons, Romulans, etc etc. I'll dazzle you with a couple. These are not entirely original, but adapted from an older picture. First one is Federation, second is Rebel Alliance (Star Wars)
Meanwhile Black Knyght has also started work on a Centauri shipset (from Babylon 5). Talk about really nice work, what do you think? Hm, its not letting my upload a third image, problems with the connection? I'll upload the picture another time....til then, adios Amigoes!

29 April 2009

Masters of The Megaverse

Well, I wasn't going to do another post just yet..... but here I am! There's been a lot of work done in the last few days (not that unusual really), and when I've taken a break from re-writing text files I've dabbled in creating some ships for a probable shipset, with a race name of Ellana. That name came out of my head and not anywhere else, inspired by my mothers first name of Ella. That also happens to be my daughters second name.
After doing a set of transports (4), I adapted another ship for a destroyer though I'm not satisifed with that. So I decided to do a cruiser from scratch and I must say I liked the shape immediately, even though it was slightly influenced by the transport hull - very slightly. I then decided it needed clearly visible defense turrets rather like warships of WW 2. The result is what you see.
Meanwhile the AI Design Creation files are being re-written, as well as all others. This file is found in each race, and tells the AI how to design each class of ship, what minimum speed it must have, the desired speed, and what weapons it may have as well as what strategy to use.
It can even be used to tell it what type of armor to use, normal, stealth, solar (armor that also produces energy from solar rays), Armor of Troy (really tough but expensive) etc etc.
A universal launch bay I created for my Skywalker Mod last year, as been adapted for this mod and will be used by the Babylon 5 trait only. This allows one component to launch mines, satellites, fighters or drones, rather than having one special launch bay for each type.
Meanwhile BK has been busy (though he should be resting more - mate!), did I mention he has produced over 280 components like this missile?
One last pic before I go, so much work to do. An original engine pic by Malfador Machinatons, redone and updated by yours truly..

25 April 2009

Mod Progress

First I'd like to comment on yesterday being ANZAC day. It's amazing to see thousands of Aussies and Kiwis at Gallipoli in Turkey or in France to acknowledge the tremendous loss of life in WW 1 and WW 2. My own father served in North Africa and Italy during WW 2. What further amazes me is the high number of younger people going to those places on a day that is scared to Australians and Kiwis alike. One is also impressed by the Turkish respect for this day, when once they were our enemies. I'd take my hat off to them for the work they do in helping us celebrate Anzac day, especially at Gallipoli.

Now, back to the Masters of the Megaverse Mod. I have revised, my revision of a cloaking device component, that red ringed object you see. Meanwhile Black Knyght has produced a few more weapons, one of which is also shown, namely an Anti-Matter Cannon. Not too long ago he gave me a list of races that will appear in this mod, only 57 of them! 57, I think the original game had about 12 to 15?

So, expect some time spent, updating all the relevant files as they have to be adapted to accept all the new weapons, facilities, ship types etc.. This will make the AI use these items, to produce a tough opponent. If memory serves me, you can (if you're crazy) play against 19 opponents! Even with a universe with 255 systems, thats getting crowded.

There are additional examples of his work, which are posted over here -> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42620

I have just about finished the files for the Abbidon Race, I have partly re-worked ten or so others, and its really time I got back to working on them. I have set up some basic copies of each file relevant to the traits the races will use. Some of these are Megascale (they get massive ships), Star Wars, Star Trek, B5 (Babylon 5), Troop Masters, etc etc., there's something like 22 traits the player can pick from. Each race will have certain traits built in for the AI to use. Now, back too it... :-)

21 April 2009

New Weapons

So there I was, re-writing files for Empires in the new Mod. Lengthy process, adding in references to new technology and correctly errors that have been there for 7 years! Most files are copied from original empires when SE IV was released in 2000. So, I'm on Yahoo Chat talking to Black Knyght who says he's got something for me. Amonsgt other things, there was a couple of pictures for new weapons including a MassDriver.
Details haven't been decided, but its a massive direct fire weapon probably going to be 70kt (kiloton) in weight, for massive ships like Dreadnoughts, Monitors, Juggernoughts and Worldships. Reload rate, probably about every 5 turns but with firepwoer of 100 hitpoints, its going to hurt! Unless you have massive shields, but then it may be given the ability to skip shields... :-). Of course, it could be given the ability to skip armour as well !
Anyway, I've posted the picture of it, cause as usual it shows how much detail he gets into them. And I'm posting another link that might boost peoples ability to find this site. SE IV has a lot to offer, and the new graphics will bring it up to todays standards, whilst also improving game play by adding new features like better music - some very intergalactic music.
Now if anyone wants to be an Intergalactic System Lord, check out those links to Space Empires dot Net ! As usual, I'm short of time, with lots to do. I've got Empires to adjust so they research those things theyy need to make them into a decent adversary, like troops, mines, satellites, ground defense bunkers etc etc..

16 April 2009

System Lord Needed

The PBC (Play By Committee) game has lost a System Lord! It's a bit of a nuisance, but not everyone seems to enjoy role playing a space conquest game, goodness knows why! Well the player was sharing one of my systems (Egoria) and his planets and shipyards have been idle for awhile. Resources not being put to full use? What a waste. Especially when we are MEE - thats we are a Mega Evil Empire, as everyone else (all AI's) are at war with us!
So if you like Space Empires IV, like debates in the Senate, budgets, planning, scheeming, and designing space ships to attack the enemy with, well perhaps you should check out whats happening via this link -> http://www.spaceempires.net/ftopic-6600-0-days0-orderasc-.html

Meantime, Black Knyght has created a Worldship (Sphere) for the Jraenar Race after I produced the Juggernought, nice work ! (The detail is far better than anything I can manage!)

Back to the PBC game. Last turn, an enemy carrier came through a warp point into one of my systems. I had two defense bases at the warp point, plus a defense ship with 20mm guns, plus my own carrier and the FWSN (Federated World Star Navy) had a ship there as well. We destroyed the intruder but it managed to launch most of its fighters first and we took some damage, and lost about half out fighters. I'll have to send the carrier back to Fizbon IX to restock.
We only have destroyer hulls as the biggest so far, unfortunately a couple of our enemies are up to cruiser hulls. With each System Lord having their own ideas on research, its hard to get an agreement on what to put the research points towards, so sometimes no research gets done. Thats democracy for you!
Anyway, I have more work to do, I found more races lacking the bigger ships we need for the new Mod, cya mates!

15 April 2009


Working on the mod Black Knyght and I are producing, requires me to test for errors and to ensure each trait has all the items they need. Whilst doing so (with all research complete), I have twice come across a race not having a juggernought, also sometimes called a worldship. These are massive almost planet size ships, alar Deathstar type! First time, I hurredly copied a ship from the Gorn race (Star Trek), repainted it for the Hyach race.
It happened again today with the Jraenar Race (from Space Empires). This time, I took a picture of the Dreadnought sized hull, added two more engines and increased the size of the main hull. The result is what you see above, as well as the slightly smaller Dreadnought. Now, this is the first two ships I have ever played with, painting wise. I'm happy with it, but have no plans to do more, except where I may have to.
Many shipsets have the extra size hulls, as distinct from stock shipsets that lack them. I don't have time to do major work in this area, but I may do those for the races we end up using in the mod. My own mod has 32 races in it, we haven't decided exactly how many for this new Mod, though Black Knyght has a list of what he's planning to include. Til next time...

10 April 2009

Components updated

Here's an image of a missile which I have modified from an earlier version. The blue areas were yellow, and I added the mid set side fins for extra 'stability'. I also slightly reduced the size of the tail section, as it seemed a bit out of proportion. I have also played around with the mine warheads, adding actual protrusions rather like a real mine. Strickly speaking (in game) they are added as components into a mine. Two examples....

The one on the right was updated from an original, with lines and other details added and a slight colour change. The one on the left is the same image! Just playing around with contrasts and reversing colours etc produced this effect.

Now its time to get back to updating some more facilities. For those interested in the creators of the original game, have a look at their site >

In the meantime, I'm getting kicked by the Krill in the western sector of one of my games! They have a few Dreadnoughts, whilst I only have a couple yet, still building up my forces. They have come through a warp point twice. I have lost most of my 20 ships each time, but the damage I do to theirs, is enough for them to retreat, and repair. Thats called breathing space :-)

09 April 2009

Play by Committe Research Discussion

As mentioned before, there is a game of Space Empires 4, using 'Carrier Battles Mod' (made by SJ) which is run by a committee of over a dozen players. Currently there is great discussion as to what we are going to research next. We have about a week to decide, before the currrent research is complete.
Research points are generated by facilities built on planets, so largely only System Lords and the SecState (Secretary of State), who controls the planets in the Homeworld system produce research points. This debate can be found here > http://www.spaceempires.net/ftopicp-45221.html#45221
Its quite lengthy, and developing into a problem, We have another debate, about solving that problem, as currently we all try and throw some research points at whatever we want done. Due to the rising cost as they get more complex, no single person can do it on their own. Trying to get everyone to agree, is not easy, hence a suggestion of appointing a Research Minister.
Anyway, its getting close to midnight and I need to rest :-)

08 April 2009


Stumbling through blogs (you would think you should be able to search for specific types - not one after the other), I found a site that might help make mine more visible. Strangely if I do a Google search for it, nothing is found!

JustMemo - Free Web Directory Listing

So hopefully this site will improve the situation. Meantime I have just about finished a Med Unit for ground vehicles, to help combat plagues. The game (normally) has plagues from level 1 to 5, and you can research then build medical centres to combat these. However if you are sort of facility slots on the planet, or funds to build them, then this could be a quick fix, but only for the lowest level 1 type. It could also be used when attacking an enemy planet that has a plague on it.

07 April 2009

Space The Only Frontier

This is just a brief note partly due to finding another space game called Sins of a Solar Empire >
Well it boosted (although real time strategy, not turn based), that it had 4 systems in the game, 3 races to choose from and from 30 to 100 planets per system! Ar, thats supposed to be big is it??? The number of planets per system is highly unrealistic, I mean Sol has 9 (or offically now only 8) planets! Space Empires IV can have from none to I don't know probably a hundred planets per system. Now get this, it can have up to 255 systems in an entire galaxy! Even at 10 planets per system thats 2,550 planets!
It also has systems that may contain only a black hole, or a nebulae, or a storm or comet, even (yuk) a space weed!
As for races? Well due to modders who have created hundreds of ship sets, you can choose from those hundreds, NOT 3 ! I know what I prefer....
Anyway I'm using the laptop, just to get updates, so I don't have anything useful on it, certainly no pictures, so until next time, Kiaora.

Facility Update

Currently whilst I am waiting for the last few new component pictures to be sent to me, I have continued to look at either updating current facilities or creating new ones. Apart from the one already shown, I have created an Embassy facility which is new for the game. However, I am totally dissatisifed with my drawing efforts on this one, although the text file has been created, and thats simple enough. I'm wondering how I can upload and post a text file! Still a lot to learn.

For those interested in this type of game, you should perhaps visit Spaceempires.net

You will also find in the forums there a few entries by me and a range of possibilities. There is even a committee game shown at the bottom of the forum page. Now a committee game is quite different!

Being a turn based strategy game, normally you would play as one race, against a few AI races, or against other people via email. There used to be a PBW site but unfortunately after 10 years, it crashed and no proper safe guards were in place to save the important info!
Anyway, the difference with the committe game is, we all play as one race against a bunch of AI's. Therefore some of us control planets and act as System Lords for our region having a House name, in my case House Hermes. Currently I control 17 planets, in 7 systems, not counting one I just captured from the enemy!

Other players control fleets in the Federated World Star Navy (FWSN), one player has overall control of that, another Controls the Homeworld and the Federal Budget and there are a couple of Mercenary players who are contracted by the System Lords to help protect their assets and region of space. We even now have one who runs a Financial Institution!
As a rsult of this, we have a Senate, and discuss matters, and vote on bills and have the odd disagreement, purely role playing of-course.

Actually one fellow got on the wrong side of me, was 'chased' by my personal guards and finally 'caught'! He now responds to my commands by remote control! The reality is, most of that was his idea, and it adds a large amount of 'flavour' to the whole game.
Well the actual game, is turned once per week. We submit what we want done to the controlling player (SJ), who runs it on his computer, and does the actual turns. He also runs the budget and we even have a resource market where we can trade resources.

The game has four resources, 3 are minerals, organics and radioactives which are used to 'build' items, be they facilities on planets, or ships, or troops or fighters, drones etc. The fourth resource is research points. These are generated by facilities and are needed to research new or higher levels of technology.

Anyway, I digress slightly, I was planning on showing you my version of the spaceport in the game. I've only just finished modifying the original and cleaning it up. It is now 10 years old, so needed it. This will come out in the new mod when its finished, a couple of months away yet I think. It will probably be called "Masters of the Megaverse". Now compare that with the original which is on the left.

This project could well be called Space Empires IV Advanced its certainly a big project for a mod, and I believe Black Knyght started it nearly a year ago!

Time to get back to work!

06 April 2009

Planets for New Game Mod

With the game mod for Space Empires IV Black Knyght and I are working on, we have already created new planets and asteroids. Well he created most of them. The micro planet I will post is entirely mine, and naturally rather small. This strategy game doesn't always use such small planets. The ringed ice world with methane atmosphere was developed by BK from a picture I gave him. He added the ring, then I adjusted and resized it to make a set of six planets, from extra huge, down to small.
Another modder, has created a Star Trek version of the game, and is currently working on a Star Wars version.
Currently we are working on a major rework of the Space Empires IV game, which luckily was designed to be modded fairly easily. The work so far has included creating new weapons, which not only entails creating the pictures (usually done by Black Knyght), but also matching text files that tells the game how to use it, and which picture to access for it. At the same time, we have worked up over 20 traits, so that each time a person starts a new game, they have 20 plus choices, so its always different.
Each trait is distinct, and can be anything from organic technology (and therefore distinct weapons etc), to traits like B5 (Babylon 5), Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Megascale (they get super large ships), to Stealth, Drone Masters etc.
Ships are designed by selecting a hull size and type first (you can't do any of this in Birth of a Federation - Star Trek), then adding components until you have whatever you want. Currently we have been creating more new components, and apart from weapons already mentioned, I have revamped the bridge, crew quarters, life support and even engine pictures to update them. The originals are now 10 years old!
Whilst there were 2,600 of them, we have pushed this up to 3115 and still going. I might point out thats 3 people who have done that in the last few months, with another waiting to add his!
So I have included one of Black Knyghts new weapons, and a totally new cargo bay which is a component to use on any starship you wish. With transports, you would find you must (usually) fill the hull with at least 50% of these.

So whats left to do?
I lot! I am just starting to think about upgrading and creating new facilities which will take some time. The files for ship hulls, plus fighters, and troops still needs to be finalised, and then there are the Races! Probably about 32 existing races will need their files re-written to use what will be available in this mod. Even solar systems have to be updated to make use of the new planets, then the galaxy files updated as well.
The game allows for up to 255 systems on a map, and with each system having from almost nothing to 30 or 40 planets plus 1 -5 stars, warp points and storms and asteroids, thats a lot of scenery!
Well that's enough for now, I really need to get back to working on it!

Alikiwi, System Lord of House Hermes (a PBC game of Space Empires IV) at www.spaceempires.net

05 April 2009

I'm pretty busy at the moment, but here's one original facility picture which may be used in Space Empires IV. I'll add others later as I get time (probably in my sleep). This will be a military base using communications to boost ships attack and defense abilities within the system that contains the facility.

A Galaxy of Space Empires

Turn based strategy games have been around as long as computers have existed! There have been some great ones and some not so great. Although Imperium Galactica II wasnt a turn based game, it held my interest for years.
Way back in the early days (1995) I found Stars! Rather well known as a turn based strategy game, I played it off and on for nearly ten years! During that time I came across Space Empires III and played the shareware version for many years, until I bought the full version of Space Empires IV in 2006, and I"m still playing it now!
Although a later version was released in about 2005 (Space Empires 5), it didn"t have the success of the earlier version, being released too quickly without sorting a few problems. It"s layout was rather cluttered, and although many mods have been made for it, there seems to be a constant battle with bugs within the game.
Hence I have not only stayed with Space Empires IV, but I have even created a mod for it called Skywalker. Since releasing that 8 weeks ago (in early February 2009), 500 copies of it have been downloaded off the net! Whilst its not perfect, obviously its popular. I continue to improve it, adjust factors that need adjusting and plan to add more features.

Meantime, I am helping another creator, with his massive mod which also is for Space Empires IV. Suffice it to say, this turn based strategy game which is ten years old now, is getting a new lease of live and has a huge following of diehard fans, as well as new ones!
More shortly!

Alikiwi, System Lord of House Hermes
