29 May 2009

Star Wars Mod

Whilst the Mod we are working on has a trait that can be selected for the Star Wars type of weapons etc., there is an actual Star Wars Mod being developed which is solely for that area specifically. This is being worked on by a fellow called Atrocities. He has produced several hundred pictures for components, some of which I'll show here. The first one, is one of many Storm Trooper Types. The next is of a multi-barrelled gun turret. Then we have a version of an R2D2 unit. There are many more examples of these components, and I am looking forward to seeing the finished game.
Just using the features we have in our Mod (Masters of the Megaverse) is interesting in itself. I think we might hav room to adapt some of ours to use these pictures! Anyway, it is nearly 1.30am, and I really must shut my eyes!

26 May 2009

More facilities, more files!

71 facilities, thats 71 file entries I had to write giving each one slightly different abilities! Be warned it's midnight now so there may be a few typos! Then there was the 71 entries in the Racial Traits file, and a corresponding 71 entries in the tech file to make use of them. 213 entries later, its done and working, as I've tested them in the Test Mod!
In the mean time, BK has done some more components, and the green missile is my heavy adaption of the old CSM (capital ship missile). The picture to the right is for a B5 (Babylon 5) launch bay. Time to hit the sack, being exhausted, I should fall to sleep.... til next time!
If you want to see more facilities, which are being added to, look over there -> http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?gid=637725&owner=Alikiwi

21 May 2009

South Pacific

For those who like the south pacific, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia, there are some pictures I took during a cruise last year over there ->

I will add to them from time to time. I took a heck of a lot on the 12 day cruise! The sunset leaving Brisbane was pretty good!

Mod Progress

Well, I've been distracted but others have been working full steam ahead it seems. I'm trying to catch up on the items I have been working on, and the number of Capital Buildings I have produced has climbed to 57! I lot of new images have been produced by Black Knyght as well as Kwayne. I will show the Capital Building for the Crugarian Race and the Race image of the Shadows, from Babylon 5 by Kwayne.
There has also been a number of event pictures made by Black Knyght which will be used when messages are received after each turn, detailing things like intelligence operations, or random attacks by raiders. For example BK has produced a new picture when a player receives a message to the effect that a planet has had its conditions improved to the absolute maximum possible. Now, will it let me load a third picture this time... (yes, but lost it!) Nice work BK!

Now if you like Star Wars, for which we have this trait in the mod, here is another race picture by Kwayne of the Wookies. One last Government Building for the Ukra-Tal Race, before I get back to work.

07 May 2009

New Facilities

There's a lot of work going on for this Mod. Kwayne has produced more new race pictures and some shipsets to go with them. My shipset has been causing me some problems, which I hope I have sorted. I have produced a new weapons platform picture (2 actually) and 2 fighters as well.
However, my main focus is the AI files I've talked about before, and what is going to be a large set of facility pictures. A facility being a building one builds on a planet (no surprise a?), but they all have certain abilities. The set I am working on will be used as Embassies and so will have a race or trait logo on them.
For example, this would include one for the Federation (Star Trek), another Imperials (Star Wars), one for Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Klingons, Romulans, etc etc. I'll dazzle you with a couple. These are not entirely original, but adapted from an older picture. First one is Federation, second is Rebel Alliance (Star Wars)
Meanwhile Black Knyght has also started work on a Centauri shipset (from Babylon 5). Talk about really nice work, what do you think? Hm, its not letting my upload a third image, problems with the connection? I'll upload the picture another time....til then, adios Amigoes!